Green TD Evolution
Created by GenoHacker
01/07/2020 – Map has been updated to v2.05
Discord: Join the HackermansDomain.exe Discord Server!
– I had initially planned for these thing to be done in v2.04 but issues with the 1.31 editor prevented me from doing it, whilst 1 of the issues seem to have stopped the 1.31 editor is still slower than the 1.30 editor so depending on how the 1.32 editor handles the things i want to do may come sometime around reforged or some time later down the line.
– Switch over to LUA scripting, the map is currently entirely made in JASS GUI i want to switch over to LUA GUI to increase the performance of the map.
– LUA Damage Engine, ive been considering added Bribes Damage Engine to the map ever since the work i did on Warcraft Maul Reimagined necessitated the addition of Damage Engine to that map, however the JASS version impacted performance of that map greatly. Since the that map switch over to LUA and the Lua Damage engine performace improved alot and as such i feel like once Green TD is using LUA then i can add the Damage Engine without it affecting performance as much.
– Finish the tower varients i added in v2.04, as of right now the towers are unfinished mostly because of the WE issues i noted above, v2.04 had been in an unfinished state for months and the towers were a big part of it so once the Damage Engine is added i will finish adding the tower varients that dont currently exist in the game as well as expanding the capabilities of the existing tower varients.
– During my time working on Warcraft Maul Reimagined the other developers got me to use github to add my work to the map, what i want to do is experiment with the “Save as a folder” thing added to the WE, i would then have a github page for the map in this folder form, im not yet sure what benefit this could do for the map but its something ive been wanting to do since i started using github.
– Be more active in the wider Warcraft 3 community, over the years ive generally never been very active in the various communitys that have sprung up for WC3 but ever since Promises of asked me if i would like my map to be hosted by them ive grown to like the small communitys that spring up around different maps, so over the past couple months ive been more active within different communitys and i dont plan on going away anytime soon.
Green TD Evolution is an almost decade long project of mine that started in 2011 with the map Green TD Pros 16.9 VII, the overall goal of the project is too make an enjoyable, replayable map without needless fluff or inconsistent design elements.
A more personal goal to me for the map is to be a constant project for learning and as a project that i can apply things to from my other various projects and experiments, so for some time now the map has been entirely unprotected in anyway and i have made an effort to make the map more readable to those who wish to explore the workings of the map. That said i am not perfect, the map is entirely GUI based and whilst i do make an effort to continually make my own work better their is bound to be better ways to do things that i have created, so i am always open to better ways of doing stuff.
— A myriad of gamemodes to choose from along with multiple ways to further configure each game of Green TD Evolution
— Complete and Consistent tooltips and hotkeys for just about everything that uses them
— Modified standard Warcraft 3 Game Interface and Tooltips
— A built in -restart option for when the number of live reachs 0 and you lose
— A Complete and fully functioning Multiboard that includes information such as Lives remaining, Wave number, Gold, Kills, Current wave, Next wave and Timers
— A large amount of commands and abilitys to display information or control various features the map has, these include Autoclearing of Game Messages and Operation of Camera Zooming along with many others
— Damage Values for Attack and Armour Types have been redone to encourages the use of different towers
— Towers have had many revisions too them along with new additions such as the Spell Tower, Trap Blueprint and Research Tower
— A modified Quest tab that includes information about the map as well as some of the changelogs for past versions
Information about the Map:
The builder for the map is a Hero, this hero can use Skill Points to gain access to various active and passive abilitys. The actives consist of emergency tower varients of the certain standard tower and the passive abilities are an Intelligence Bonus and Income Bonus. The Hero has access to 11 different towers: Siege, Air, Frost, Poison, Aura, Trap Blueprint, Chaos, Bouncing, Bash, Research and Spell.
Their are 5 standard difficulty options you can choose from, each option, excluding Chaos Mode itself, has a Chaos Mode varient.
Each Difficulty has a different base income amount, chaos varients of them give a bonus to income and each difficulty has its own sell percentages for towers rangeing from 100% on easy to 20% on chaos mode, additionally certain towers require 2 clicks to sell them
Easy, Creeps have 50% Health.
Normal, Creeps Have 100% Health.
Hard, Creeps Have 150% Health.
Very Hard, Creeps Have 200% Health.
Chaos Mode, Creeps have between 200% and 400% Health, this will change every wave.
Up to 3 of the 11 towers in the game may be disabled to add further challenge and variety to each game of Green TD Evolution. Disabling towers will increase income by a small amount.
You can activate any number of the gamemodes listed below, Each activated gamemode increases income by 2 Gold
Gold Rush Mode, Whilst above 60% Health creeps have a 10% to enter a gold rush when attacked, it will gain health, armour, movespeed and will also cost you 5 lives if it reachs the end point, however whoever kills it will be rewarded 50 gold.
Swarm Mode, wave spawns are doubled.
Random Waves, every wave can now have a different armour type, there are 301 units divided between 7 armour types, each armour type has 43 different units.
Endless Mode, once you reach wave 60 the game will continuously spawn more waves until you lose the game, creeps gain 20% Health every wave.
Headhunter Mode, lets you spawn random bosses, they will give a gold bonus to all players if killed, if it reachs the end point it will deplete all lives and you will lose.
Speed Mode, time between wave spawns is set to 5 seconds and creep movement speed is maxed.
You have access to various commands and abilities, some of these commands have duel activators for ease of access
This is taken from Information Quests Ingame.
You gain Gold at the end of each wave, the amount of gold gained starts at 200 and slowly increases as you complete more waves by between 10 and 20 gold every wave.
Players that have below average kills they will gain additional gold.
You will lose 10 lives for leaking a boss. Immune Creeps have Divine armour and come every 5 waves.
Some towers are better against some waves than they are against others. Example Chaos tower are good against Immune creeps but are less effective against other creeps.
The spell tower has some useful spells, such as the stasis trap and and roar, that can really help you against some waves.
If a player leaves, his current gold will be split among the remaining players.
Your Builder will auto-blink if the distance to the point your moving him too is greater than 1200.
The list below is a personal thank you from me to certain people who have helped in different ways.
— Promises and Runi over at MaulBot for hosting this map on their now defunct hostbots and just for being incredible helpful and enjoyable to work with.
— Id also like to thank the community of MaulBot in general, youre a bunch of top notch lads.
— Thanks specifically to Qu1rky from the maulbot community for helping me test the map.
— Shar Dundred for Re-reviewing the map on HiveWorkshop
— Griefcode of the now defunct OHSystem website, for hosting my map and making me want to come back and improve it so many years ago.
— WtiiWarcraft and his viewers for playing my map on stream and providing feedback.
— VimpGaming for his youtube video of my map.
— Mad Tigerrr for streaming the map on youtube.
— A Massive thank you to TriggerHappy for helping me recover the map after 1.31 broke the string data
— LordDz for telling me how to create new lines.
— yip for helping me with my building scaling sizes problem.
— TriggerHappy for fixing my Split Gold on player leave system.
— Apathetic for telling me about the Button Manager program.
— Eubz for reviewing my map.
— KILLCIDE for giving feedback on my map.
— Ezekiel12 for giving me the idea to make newly spawned creeps invulnerable.
— Dr Super Good for fixing my Sell trigger and making me realize i cant math properly.
Green TD Evolution uses some imported resources, most of them are existing images that i have modified to work in whatever context i need them to, these will remain uncredited within this list, everything else will be listed here.
— BTNDice and DISBTNDice, Downloaded from HiveWorkshop, Created by Amigurumi. Used for Random Game Modes icon.
— BTNdieroll01 and DISBTNdieroll01, Downloaded from HiveWorkshop, Created by LifeguardLeroy. Used for Random Game Modes + Difficulty icon.
— BTNMysteryPot2 and DISBTNMysteryPot2, Downloaded from HiveWorkshop, Created by kola. Used for Random Game Modes, Difficulty + Towers icon.
— Random game modes will no longer still be active after a restart
— Added a new Loading Screen
— Fixed Darkness Trap not hitting air waves
— Fixed Gold not being given when completing wave 1
— Fixed Soul Tower upgrades displaying as Soul Tower 4 in tooltip
— Fixed Wave HP not being set correctly when using Chaos Mode
— Fixed Ultimate Research Tower having no food cost
— Trigger Optimizations
— Swapped models of wave 30 and 33
— Changes to the Damage Table
— Changes to Multiboard
— Changes to Game Messages
— Changes to Terrain
— Fixed an issue with random towers displaying as the wrong disabled tower
— Fixed map having no preview image
— Changes to terrain
— Removed Swap Tower ability from Traps
— Changed model and movement type of wave 30
— Changes to Game Setup unit button layout
— Fixed Endless Mode not increasing income
— Fixed Gold After Wave triggering on wave 1 when blitz mode is active
— Added Blitz Mode status to -gamemode command
— Added -income command
— Added 3 ways to randomize Game Modes, Difficulty and Tower Options
— Added Credits section in Quest Dialog due to importing external resources obtained from HiveWorkshop
— Increased Soul Tower mana to 20
— Removed immune and boss wave numbers from -air command
— Changed model and movement type of wave 35 to no longer be an air unit
— Added more info to emergency tower tooltips to better indicate that they dont need to be placed onto grass
— Added more names of people to the thank you list
— Fixed -immune command missing some text
— Added additional Easter Eggs
— Added additional Decorations
— Minor Changes to terrain
— Fixed an issue causing a second immolation trap to spawn.
— Fixed overlapping hotkeys for Upgrade Trap and Swap Tower abilities
— Fixed Blood Trap not being Spell Immune
— Fixed Soul Tower 8/9/Ultimate having incorrect damage
— Fixed Ballista Tower 8 having incorrect damage
— Fixed Flak Tower 8 having incorrect damage
— Spell Immunity icon is now hidden
— Optimized several triggers
— Changed how game messages work
— Changed how floating messages work
— Added -gmd command
— Increased starting mana to 20
— Fixed Autoclear ability triggering Food Bonus
— Fixed Random Boss passive abilities being set to level 0
— Fixed Random Boss not spawning after the first boss
— Fixed Food Bonus not being reset on restart
— Fixed Food Bonus not working maybe
— Decreased Damage/Speed/Armour Aura effects
— Increased Crippling Aura effect
— Removed Redundent Triggers
— Made several triggers more efficient
— Fixed Income Amount
— Fixed Gold After Wave not being set to the correct amount when restarting
— Added Speed Mode to -gm command
— Added a floating message to indicate you dont have enough gold to summon a random boss
— Added a Food Bonus Skill
— Increased Max Hero Level to 30
— Reduced Minimum unit movement speed to 25
— Reduced slow poison slow to 30%
— Changed max stock of Random Boss to 2 and reduced replenish internal and added a 5 min delay
— Changes to food, Food limit is now 10 but all towers cost food.
— Minor changes to some tooltips
— Minor changes to terrain
— Made Changes to gold rush mode, it now has a 10% chance to trigger when the attacked creep is above 60% health, also instead of healing to 100% health it is now 50% of what its current hp is and armour is now 25% of what armour currently is instead of doubling
— Optimized Selling Towers triggers
— Optimized Lose Life trigger
— Optimized Tabaho trigger
— Optimized parts of Set Variables trigger
— Removed the Aura Level Indicating for Blue and Teal
— Removed textual game mode selecting
— Removed Web ability
— Removed Corpse creation on hero death
— Removed Some things from the quests
— Removed various unused things
— Removed Low Kill Gold bonus at the end of each wave
— Overhauled every tower
— Overhauled selected gamemode indication
— Overhauled Income
— Added Headhunter Mode
— Added Speed Mode
— Added Body Snatching Ability
— Added a Restart function when reaching 0 lives
— Added several names to the builder of towers
— Added text colouring to -greed commands
— Added Descriptions for gamemodes to game setup unit
— Added -autoclear command
— Added a missing word in one of the gamble messages
— Added colouring to -dinfo commands
— Added a Limit to Aura Towers, can only build 1 now
— Added ownership changing of the Game Setup unit if the owner of it leaves the game at anytime
— Added previous jackpot winner to the jackpot command
— Added a message when creeps get boosted
— Added 2 new hero abilities
— Added Creep Teleporting
— Added Efficiency to each towers tooltip
— Fixed collision and movespeed of certain random waves
— Fixed wave 22 Archer having wrong armour type
— Fixed multiboard not updating armour type when random waves is activated
— Fixed old changelogs not having the full list of changes
— Fixed 1st gamble being free
— Fixed being able to swap with other players towers
— Fixed mouseover description for gold not showing all the text
— Fixed missing cooldown number on Earth Trap tooltip
— Fixed the targeted tower of swap tower spell not having the sell ability after swapping
— Changed hotkey of Inner Fire
— Changed Gold Cost of auras
— Changed amount of armour bosses have
— Changed how XP on heroes work
— Changed how hero abilities are chosen
— Changed Immune to Divine on game messages and multiboard
— Changed Random Wave bounty amount
— Changes to Random Wave Health
— Changes to Wave 48 boss
— Changes to Quest dialog to reflect changes made
— Changes to Various commands
— Changes to Various game messages
— Changes to Emergency towers
— Changes to Lumber since the map now uses Lumber
— Changes to Boss movement speeds
— Changes to Armour Aura
— Changes to Gold After Wave
— Changes to Damage Multipliers
— Players with below average kills will now gain bonus gold at the end of each wave
— Some reworking to terrain and doodads
— Minimap has been updated
— Pathing triggers are now leak free
— Loading Screen has been changed and improved
— Aura Tower now unlocks on wave 15 instead of being unlocked from the start of the game
— Aura Tower and Traps now requires 2 clicks of the sell ability to sell the tower
— The order of changelogs has been reversed, changelogs for the newest update will now be at the top
— Boss Waves have now been integrated into the current wave spawning system instead of using the previous system
— Most tooltips have been changed, some such as towers have been overhauled completely, some have had minor text changes for improved clarity, some have simply had proper colouring applied to them
— Renamed map to Green TD Evolution. formerly Green TD Pros
— Added a way for players to get rid of another players tower that is in their area.
— Increases the Health of all waves and decreased HP regen.
— Decreased Poison Tower damage.
— Changed the amount of gold given at the end of each wave.
— Reduced the amount of upgrades an aura tower has by 4.
— Added top down view camera and commands list.
— Decreased the time a wave takes to spawn.
— Changes to Creep Spawning triggers.
— Renamed Shuriken tower to Bouncing Tower.
— Reduced attack speed of Bouncing Tower.
— Reduced the amount of Targets the bouncing tower attack hits to 5.
— Increased Ultimate poison tower damage to 5000.
— Chaos Towers 5 and up have increased damage.
— Reduced Research Tower 2 damage to 2500.
— Reduced Attack Speed research to 10%.
— Reduced Ultimate Power research damage increase to 7500.
— Changed Research Tower 2 Projectile.
— Fixed Damage Aura 3 and 4 not giving the right amount of extra damage.
— Fixed Endless Mode.
— Air Units now have fortified armor and Increased HP.
— Air Towers now deal siege damage and Increased Damage.
— Siege Towers 20 and up now have increased damage.
— Frost Towers now deal more damage.
— Frost Tower 1 now has the correct AOE.
— Added a Debug system for when a wave doesn’t spawn.
— Added more parameters to the trigger that starts a wave in the hope that it will fix the issue of waves not spawning.
— Minor Changes to Terrain, more space to build on corners and in player reds area, as well as other visual changes.
— Fixed -Commands not showing the full list for all players other than red.
— Changes to some towers unit sounds.
— Lots of Changes to the standard war3 Game Interface and Tooltips.
— Changed Coloring of some parts of all tower tooltips.
— Fixed Fire Trap 6 upgrading to Ultimate Fire Trap.
— Minor Multiboard changes.
— Fixed Frost Tower 2 Tooltip.
— Fixed Poison Tower 10 Tooltip.
— Fixed Bash Tower 8 Tooltip
— Added Upgrade Shortcuts.
— Added Magical Village
— Added different sell values for the selected difficulty.
— Added Floating Text above a sold tower that tells you how much gold you sold it for.
— Added -gamemode command.
— Changed the way selling towers works, was by training a unit, now its ability based.
— Changed the hotkeys and positions in the ui of most towers.
— Lots of changes to Information Dialog, added release dates to each versions changelog.
— Renamed Wave 59 to Naga Queen and Wave 60 to Naga Emperor.
— Poison Towers 15 and up now have better crit strikes.
— Small Changes to Terrain.
— Minor Fixes to Some tooltips.
— Changed the OHS references so they now reference SGN.
— Removed Timer Window and added a timer to the multiboard.
— Changes to Spell Towers, buffed Spells and Towers.
— Added Transmute spell to both builders.
— Some Small changes to terrain.
— Corpses now last longer.
— Changes to floating text when selling tower.
— Increased the amount of gold boss’s give.
— Added 2 more fire traps.
— Boss’s now have 20% evasion.
— Hero tower now deal 300% to hero armor.
— All towers other than Siege and Research Tower now deal less damage to heroes.
— Minor Terrain Changes
— Small Fixes to Regions
— Added more Doodads
— Minor Changes to Terrain
— Fixed Debug Trigger
— Changes to Attack Types and Armour Types
— Changes to the Armour Type of several units
— Increased Inner Fire and Bloodlust Range up to 1000
— Minor Tooltip Fixes
— Minor Doodad Changes
— Changed the text when moving mouse over gold.
— Increased the base damage of Bouncing tower 1 to 7
— Increased the base damage of Poison tower 1 to 10
— Decreased the amount of gold given after a wave.
— Increased the amount of taken off by the armour aura by 10%.
— Added corpse creation for dying heros.
— Minor changes to leading screen text.
— The multiboard icons for current and next wave now change, Left icons shows what unit will spawn, right shows what armour it will have, air units have a vulture icon instead of an armour icon.
— More Changes to armour types of several units, balancing the amount of units with each armour type.
— Map is no longer protected.
— Corpses decay slower.
— Roar now last 45 seconds up from 30 seconds.
— Added a Gamble ability to the builders.
— Changes to Information Menu.
— Changes to -hero text.
— Transmute now has a higher cooldown 15 mins up from 10 mins.
— Transmute range increased to 1200 up from 800.
— Buffed Research Towers.
— Raise dead minions now last 120 seconds up from 60 seconds.
— Raise dead minions now deal more damage, attack faster and have more range.
— Fixed Armour Types of several waves.
— Poison towers now attack significantly faster.
— Increased the HP of ground based creeps that have fortified armour and decreased their movement speed.
— Increased the Attack damage and Range of the Spell Towers significantly.
— Added comments to triggers.
— Removed shadows from certain doodads.
— Fixed shadow glitchs.
— Effects created upon losing a life will now be properly destroyed.
— Creeps that enter the Life Zone will be removed from the game instead of killed.
— Made some triggers more efficient.
— Removed all abilities from creeps.
— Reduced death time for all creeps to 1 second.
— Updated Thanks list in quest.
— Fixed Default Gamemode not working.
1.08a — First category of triggers should now be leak free.
1.08b — 2 more categorys of triggers should now be leak free.
1.08ba — Fixed purple creeps spawning on pink spawn.
— Map should be mostly leak free.
— Fixed bugs introduced with 1.08a/b/ba versions.
— Fixed Research Tower not being able to be built after transmuting it.
1.08C — Fixed not being able to lose.
1.08b — Fixed leaver gold split giving negative gold.
— Removed Spawn Count messages.
— Removed Crit Strike from poison towers.
— Reduced Damage/Speed Aura Percentage.
— Reduced Inner Fire/Bloodlust/Roat Percentage.
— Reduced Research Tower 1 Multishot to 5.
— Increased Inner Fire/bloodlust Cooldown.
— Fixed Bash Tower 8 not stunning for 4 seconds.
— Fixed Research Tower 2 not having 10 shot Multishot.
— Increased Siege Tower Damage
— Increased Bouncing Tower Damage
— Increased Bouncing Tower Bounce amount
— Increased Time between Income
— Increased amount on creeps that spawn
— Decreased gold given by creeps when killed
— Removed Crit Strike from Poison tower shortcut
— Added Extra Gold for player with lowest kills
— Added -zoom command
— Reduced Starting Gold
— Removed most spells from builder and made them into items the builder has.
— Change Build Tower Hotkey
— Minor Interdace Changes
— Replaced the Normal Tower Builder with a Hero, that can build towers and unlock abilitys to spawn towers in case of emergencys
— Almost all waves have had changes made to them, Health, Armour, HP Regen, Move Speed, Bounty, Etc
— Several Towers have had changes made to them as well
— Tower Tooltips have been changed
— Traps are a new tower that expands on the singular Fire Trap in older versions, their are now 7 other traps that all do different things
— The Map now uses a custom minimap and custom loading screen
— The Tower Scaling and Instant Build triggers have been replaced with a trigger that achieves the goals of both
— The Aura Towers have been completely remade, now their is only one aura tower that has 5 auras to pick from, 3 old auras and 2 new auras.
— Added Command Book, a spell book that lets you use abilitys to activate commands instead of typing them, it also lets you manipulate the camera without typing.
— Added the -autocam command, this will let you deactivate automactic camera adjusting
— Added a 60 second timer when the game is lost
— Added Creep Boosting, leaks will now get increased armour and move speed and will have some health restored
— Reduced the amount of lag at the beginning of the game
— Reduced default camera zoom to 2500
— Removed Old Changelogs
— Removed Observer Slot
— Added the duration to tooltips for emergency towers
— Added the ability to swap the positions of 2 towers
— Added some easter eggs
— Fixed Bash Tower 4
— Traps work again
— Slight changes to easter eggs
— Slightly changed the name of variables
— Added some new stuff that isnt enabled yet, its stuff that will come with v1.15
— Completely remade the gamemode triggers
— You can now choose game modes via abilities
— You can now disable up to 3 towers
— Blue and Teal can now select each others aura tower to see its levels
— Spell tower can no longer target aura tower
— Added several different chaos mode difficultys
— Added Aura % values to upgrade tooltips
— Added Swarm mode
— Added Gold Rush mode
— Added Random Waves Mode
— Added -greed command
— Slightly nerfed Spell Tower abilities
— Removed Gamemode from the multiboard
— Removed research from research towers that dont make use of them
— Removed Degeneration Aura
— Extended time to choose modes to 120 seconds
— Changed several game messages
— Changed -gamemode command
— Changes to several quest in the info tab
— Increased Frost slow to 30%
— Increased starting gold to 500
— Changed how gambling works
— Made lose life trigger more efficient
— Added -dinfo command
— Fixed Current Wave and Next wave not working properly
— Removed Degeneration Aura from Aura Level Text for players blue and teal
— Fixed some isses with Aura Level Text
— Fixed some text issues when getting gamble jackpot
— Gamble now has a cooldown again
— Removed HCL and w3mmd stuff