Green Card 101 (updated-2020)

What documents are needed for a Green Card renewal?

DocumentDetailsPassport or equivalentIf your previous card has been lost, stolen or destroyed, you will need to submit a copy of your Green Card or a government-issued form of ID like your passport, driver’s license or military ID. Evidence for biographical datae. , the evidence for a name change or a birth certificateEvidence for issuance of a Green Carde. , a copy of your latest Form I-797, Notice of Action that should have resulted in the issuance of your Permanent Resident Card that you never receivedCopies of documentsUnless the instructions by USCIS say that you have to provide original documents, always bring copies of all documents that are needed as supporting evidence in your case. Translated documentsWhen your evidence and supporting documents are written in a foreign language, you must have them translated by a certified translator.

How Long Does It Take to Renew a Green Card?

At this time, the average wait time to renew a Green Card is 10 to 12 months. If you need to travel abroad in the meantime, you can get temporary proof of your permanent resident status while you wait. The better prepared you are before you apply, the greater your chances of avoiding mistakes that can delay your application’s processing.

Когда я должен продлить или заменить свою грин-карту?

Если ваша грин-карта действительна и находится в вашем распоряжении, тогда нет каких-либо оснований продлевать ее. Тем не менее, вам нужно будет начать процесс продления срока действия вашей грин-карты в течение шести месяцев до истечения срока ее действия.

Вам необходимо подать заявку на продление срока действия грин-карты если:

  • У вас есть действительная грин-карта, срок действия которой истекает через 6 месяцев или уже истек
  • У вас есть карточка постоянного жителя без указания даты истечения срока действия
  • Ваша грин-карта была украдена, повреждена или пропала
  • Вы получили грин-карту, когда вам еще не исполнилось 14 лет, но срок ее действия не истечет, пока вам не исполнится 16 лет.
  • Вы заметили ошибку в своей грин-карте, включая ошибки, связанные с написанием вашего имени, даты рождения или другой информации
  • Вы изменили свое имя или другую биографическую информацию
  • У вас имеется статус лица, регулярно пересекающего границу Соединенных Штатов, который подразумевает то, что вы живете в Канаде или Мексике, но работаете в Соединенных Штатах.

Что произойдет, если я буду находится за пределами Соединенных Штатов?

Если у вас есть грин-карта, срок действия которой в скором времени истекает, и вы находитесь за пределами США, тогда у вас есть два способа решения этой задачи:

Если вы находитесь за пределами США, и срок действия вашей грин-карты истекает в течение 6 месяцев, но вы планируете вернуться в Соединенные Штаты до истечения срока действия вашей грин-карты, вы можете продлить ее, вернувшись в Соединенные Штаты.

Если вы находитесь за пределами США, и срок действия вашей карты истекает до вашего возвращения, вы можете подать заявку на ее продление до того, как уедете с США, или, если вы уже находитесь в другой стране, вы можете связаться с посольством или консульством США, Службой гражданства и иммиграции США или же таможенно-пограничной службой США; вам не разрешается въезжать на территорию Соединенных Штатов с грин-картой, срок действия которой уже истек, если вы не можете предоставить доказательства того, что вы пытались продлить ее.

Условный вид на жительство и продление срока действия условной грин-карты

Green Card 101 (Updated-2020)

Перечисленные выше правила не распространяются на тех, кто имеют Условный вид на жительство (CPR) или условный статус грин-карты.

Статус условного вида на жительство действителен в течение 2 лет. В течение 90 дней с даты истечения срока действия вашего статуса условного вида на жительство, вы должны подать заявку на получение постоянного вида на жительство или грин-карту.

Вы не можете заменить или продлить условную грин-карту, если срок ее действия уже истек или истекает через 90 дней. Вам нужно будет подать заявку на получение постоянного вида на жительство.

Как продлить срок действия грин-карты

Каждый год тысячи американских жителей проходят процесс продления своих грин-карт. Продолжайте читать, чтобы узнать всю необходимую информацию о продлении грин-карты.

Шаг 1) Заполните форму I-90

Форма I-XNUMX, Заявление о замене карты постоянного жителя, является первым документом, который необходимо заполнить для продления срока действия вашей грин-карты. Форма I-XNUMX включает подробные инструкции и требования. Вам нужно будет выбрать одну из XNUMX причин, по которой вы хотите продлить срок действия своей грин-карты. После того, как вы выбрали причину, вам нужно будет оплатить сбор за продление грин-карты и предоставить все необходимые документы.

Шаг 2) Оплатите необходимые сборы

В процессе продления грин-карты вам нужно будет оплатить два основных сбора:

Форма I-XNUMX Сбор: $XNUMX

Биометрический сбор за обслуживание (если применимо): $XNUMX

Шаг 3) Отправьте сопроводительные документы

Исходя из причины продления, которую вы выбрали в Шаге 1, вам нужно будет предоставить разные сопроводительные документы. Для продление грин-карты вам нужно будет предоставить свою текущую грин-карту, если она не была утеряна или украдена.

Документы, необходимые для продления грин-карты

Если вы собираетесь продлить грин-карту, тогда единственный документ, который вам нужно будет предоставить – это ваша текущая грин-карта. Если вы можете предоставить копию вашей текущей грин-карты, тогда это все, что вам нужно для ее продления.

Документы, необходимые для замены грин-карты

Если вы хотите заменить грин-карту, которая была утеряна, украдена или повреждена, тогда вам нужно предоставить следующее:

  • Копию украденной или поврежденной грин-карты
  • Копию действительного государственного удостоверения личности с фотографией, включая паспорт, водительские права или любую другую форму удостоверения личности
Если в вашей грин-карте есть ошибка

Если вы только что подали заявку и получили грин-карту, но заметили в ней ошибку, вам нужно будет предоставить следующие документы:

  • Оригинальную грин-карту
  • Копию свидетельства о рождении, свидетельства о браке или других документов, где содержится корректная информация
Продление по другим причинам

Если вы хотите продлить или заменить свою грин-карту по любой другой причине, следуйте инструкциям в Форме I-90. Форма I-90 дает 17 различных причин для продления вашей грин-карты, и для каждой из этих причин предусмотрены отдельные инструкции и требования к документам.

Шаг 4) Подпишите и отправьте форму I-90

Последний шаг для продления срока действия вашей грин-карты – это подписать форму I-90 и отправить ее в Службу гражданства и иммиграции США USCIS. Если вы не подпишите свою форму I-90, она будет объявлена ​​недействительной и отклонена. Это типическая ошибка, которую делали многие кандидаты пытаясь продлить срок действия своей грин-карты.

Форму I-90 можно подать онлайн или вы можете отправить ее непосредственно в Службу гражданства и иммиграции США. Однако, начиная с 2015, подавляющее большинство заявок на грин-карту и ее продление заполняется онлайн. Даже если вы подадите заявку по почте, Служба гражданства и иммиграции США создаст для вас онлайн-аккаунт для будущей переписки.

Что будет после того, как я подам заявку на продление срока действия своей грин-карты?

После того, как вы отправили запрос на продление срока действия вашей грин-карты, вам нужно ждать пока вам придет уведомление на электронную почту или почтовый ящик. Вот что происходит далее:

USCIS отправит вам квитанцию-подтверждение, что они приняли вашу заявку; эта квитанция будет отправлена ​​ на ваш почтовый адрес и онлайн-аккаунт.

USCIS отправит уведомление, если вам нужно будет предоставить биометрическую информацию; это уведомление должно прийти в течение 1-2 недель с момента получения вашей заявки USCIS; если вам необходимо предоставить биометрическую информацию, тогда вам нужно будет предоставить отпечатки пальцев, фотографии и подпись в USCIS

USCIS может запросить у вас дополнительные документы помимо тех, которые вы уже предоставили; в этом случае USCIS отправит вам запрос на предоставление необходимых документов по почте, и затем опубликует его в вашем аккаунте.

И в самом конце, вы получите уведомление о решении Службы гражданства и иммиграции по почте, и это решение будет опубликовано онлайн

Сколько времени займет процесс продление срока действия моей грин-карты?

Как правило, процесс продления грин-карты занимает от 2 до 3 месяцев. Служба гражданства и иммиграции США рассматривает тысячи заявок на продление грин-карты каждый месяц.

Вот почему рекомендуется подавать заявку на продление грин-карты в течение 6 месяцев с момента истечения ее срока действия.

Что если Служба гражданства и иммиграции отклонит вашу заявку на продление грин-карты?

В отдельных ситуациях, Служба гражданства и иммиграции может отклонить вашу заявку на продление грин-карты. Ниже представлены наиболее распространенные причины отказа в продлении грин-карты:

  • Вы совершили преступление, которое привело к вашей депортации из Соединенных Штатов
  • Вы указали недостоверную информацию в своей заявке
  • Правительство Соединенных Штатов приказало вам покинуть страну до истечения срока действия вашей грин-карты
  • Вы подали неправильные формы или предоставили неверные сопроводительные документы

Исходя из всех этих причин, Служба гражданства и иммиграции США может отклонить ваш запрос на продление срока действия грин-карты.

Если Служба гражданства и иммиграции США отказала вам в продлении вашей грин-карты, вы не можете обжаловать это решение. Тем не менее, вы можете подать ходатайство в Службу гражданства и иммиграции США повторно открыть или пересмотреть вашу заявку. Для того, чтобы ваше ходатайство было одобрено, вы должны предоставить доказательство того, что решение было принято с нарушением иммиграционной политики или законодательства.

Что будет, если я не смогу продлить срок действия своей грин-карты?

Если вы не сможете продлить свою грин-карту, вы не получите какие-либо штрафы со стороны Службы гражданства и иммиграции США.

По большому счету, вы можете подождать, пока не истечет срок действия вашей грин-карты или же срок ее действия не истечет до начала процесса продления. Вы не получите дополнительные штрафы от Службы гражданства и иммиграции США за продление вашей грин-карты в последние минуты – хотя у вас могут возникнуть проблемы с выездом из страны и возвращением обратно.

Если у вас не получится продлить срок действия вашей грин-карты до истечения срока ее действия, это может привести также к другим последствиям. Американские иммигранты с просроченной грин-картой не могут:

Получить новую работу (все работодатели будут запрашивать подтверждение разрешения на работу, а просроченная грин-карта не даст вам право работать)

  • Получить или сохранить профессиональную квалификацию
  • Продлить водительские права
  • Путешествовать за пределы США и повторно въезжать в страну

Из-за всех этих ограничений, как правило, рекомендуется подавать заявку на продление срока действия грин-карты в течение шести месяцев с даты истечения срока ее действия. Чем раньше вы получите новую грин -карту, тем меньше у вас шансов столкнутся с какими-либо проблемами на этом пути.

Why would a Green Card renewal be denied?

There are cases where the renewal of a Green Card does not get approved by USCIS. Some possible reasons are:

  • You committed a crime that makes you deportable.
  • You did not pay your taxes.
  • You stayed abroad for too long (more than 12 months).
  • You filed the wrong form.
  • You lied on your application.

What happens after you submit your green card renewal application?

First, USCIS will notify you that they have received your green card renewal application. USCIS will send you a receipt notice called the Form I-797C, Notice of Action to the mailing address listed on your Form I-90. The receipt notice will contain a 13-character receipt number (3 letters and ten numbers) that you can use to track the status of your renewal application.

You’ll get a “biometrics” notification from USCIS

USCIS will also send you a notice for a biometrics appointment about two weeks after they receive your green card renewal application. The biometrics appointment notice will inform you of a date, place, and time to have your fingerprints, signature, and photo taken.

If you’re applying to renew your green card from outside the United States, your biometrics appointment will be at the U. consulate or embassy closest to you.

If you’re renewing your green card while in the United States, your biometrics appointment will be at a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) near you.

How can you check the status of your green card renewal application?

You can check the status of your green card renewal application online. You will need the receipt number from the Form I-797C, Notice of Action that USCIS sent to you. You can find the receipt number on the top left corner of the Notice of Action. The receipt number will be a combination of 3 letters and ten numbers. To check your application’s status, you must type the receipt number into the USCIS status checker.

If you would like text and email updates about your application’s status, you can also complete Form G-1145, e-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance. You can submit Form G-1145 to USCIS after you file Form I-90, but it is best to send Form G-1145 with your original application packet to avoid missing any application notices from USCIS.

How long does it take to renew your green card?

Once USCIS has received your green card renewal application, it will take an average of 1. 5 to 12 months for them to send you your new green card. You can check out the USCIS website for the most current processing timeframe.

File Your Green Card Renewal Application Today

The best way to avoid any complications with your green card application renewal is to file a renewal application as soon as you reach the six-month mark until your current card expires. At ImmigrationDirect, we can help ensure that your application gets filed correctly and avoid any unnecessary delays in the renewal process.

H4 EAD Rule

New legislation has been enacted for H4 holders who will be eligible for the benefits of employment authorization. In order to qualify, however, you must meet the necessary criteria. The first being that the principal H-1B worker has to have an approved I-140 OR have been approved for H-1B status under sections 106(a) and (b) of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-first Century Act.

H4 EAD Timeline

  • File I-765 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker
  • Submit the appropriate documents to prove eligibility
  • USCIS will approve, deny or send you a request for evidence
  • As an H-4 visa holder, you also have the right to apply for a green card since H-4s are dual intent.

The EAD timeline will differ slightly depending on your immigration status. Consult your immigration attorney about the most up-to-date steps for your situation.

What is a Permanent Resident Card

A permanent resident card, as the name implies, is a document which serves as proof of your permanent resident status in the country. While some permanent resident cards (green cards) do not indicate an expiration date, the vast majority have a validity period of ten years.

Conditional permanent resident cards differ in the sense that they’re valid for only two years. These are typically issued in marriage cases when the marriage is less than 2 years old. On a less-common basis, conditional permanent resident cards are issued to entrepreneurs that obtained permanent resident status through the EB-5 green card category.

This time is usually seen as a temporary probationary period with the intention of testing whether your method of entering the U. was a legitimate one.

Why Wasn’t I Issued a Lawful Permanent Resident Card?

Many people try to take advantage of the marriage-based visa system by marrying fraudulently. Conditional permanent resident cards are issued to these types of marriages to ensure that they are bona fide. On that same note, some fraudulent entrepreneurs fabricate their business in order to enter the U. , this process is to deter those that would abuse this system.

It’s vital to ensure that your card is valid at all times to ensure that you can prove your legality in the U. If not, you could seriously jeopardize your ability to work or travel in the country. For that reason, it is important that you remove the conditions on your status and get a 2 year green card renewal as soon as possible.

It is important to realize that this is not technically a renewal. Your conditional green card cannot be renewed. Instead, the conditions are removed and a new 10-year green card is issued. This distinction is important because the process of removing conditions is different than the process of renewing a 10-year green card. You will need to demonstrate the authenticity of your case.

What Happens After Applying for Renewal

After you submit your permanent resident card renewal application, you will receive a notification of the acceptance of your application by USCIS through the mail. This acceptance notification does not mean that your application has been approved, merely that it has been accepted by USCIS for review.

The letter from USCIS will include a 13-character receipt number. You will be able to use this number to check the status of your green card renewal application. You will also be able to access this information on your online account. USCIS will create an account for you and provide access details in this letter if you have not already created an account yourself.

USCIS will also send you a notification of a scheduled biometrics appointment where you will be fingerprinted, photographed, and provide your signature. They may also request additional supporting documents beyond what you previously provided.

Who is eligible to renew a green card?

Before proceeding with the green card renewal process, you should first determine if you are eligible to renew your green card. Generally, you can get a new green card if:

  • your card is expired or expires within six months
  • your card is lost, damaged, or has been stolen
  • your card contains incorrect information, for instance, if your name is misspelled
  • you have legally changed your name or other biographic information since you received your card; or
  • you never received the card that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) initially mailed to you.

USCIS provides an extensive list of reasons to renew or replace your green card on their website. That said, there are some instances when you should not replace your green card. If you have recently completed a citizenship application, such as Naturalization, you do not need to renew your green card to remain in lawful permanent resident status.

In which cases do I need to renew my Green Card?

There are numerous circumstances under which you will need to renew your Green Card. For example, if:

  • Your Green Card is an old version (Form I-151, AR-3, or AR-103 Alien Registration Receipt Cards) and does not have an expiration date.
  • The expiration date of your Green Card is in the next six months.
  • Your Green Card has already expired.
  • You lost your Green Card.
  • You received the Green Card before your 14th birthday and now turn 14 (unless it expires before you turn 16).
  • There are mistakes on your Green Card.
  • You have changed your name or sex after receiving your current Green Card.

I can’t afford the fees for my Green Card renewal

If you cannot afford the filing fee, you might be able to obtain a fee waiver from USCIS. Therefore, you must prove that you are going through severe financial hardship.

A few things to keep in mind here:

  • If you are filing Form I-829 (Remove Conditions on investment-based Green Card) there is no fee waiver option. You can only request a fee waiver for I-90 (Standard replacement of a Green Card) or I-751 (Removing conditions for a marriage-based Green Card).
  • You can’t file your I-90 renewal petition online if you want to apply for a fee waiver. Use the paper form instead.
  • To get a fee waiver, use Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver and file it along with your petition for which you are requesting the waiver.
  • If USCIS approves your request for a fee waiver, you will be freed from both the filing fee and the biometric services fee.

Permanent Resident Advantages

  • Living in the U.S. permanently as long as you do not violate your status or commit a crime that could result in deportation.
  • Working at any legal place of employment of your choosing. Keep in mind that some government jobs are only available to U.S. citizens for security purposes.
  • Protection by all of the laws of your federal, state, and local governments.

While your green card status is permanent, the physical card is not. You will need to renew your card every ten years and pay the $455 filing fee along with an $85 biometrics fee, totaling at $540. If you have not violated your status or committed a crime in the U. , your green card should be renewed without complication.

Green Card Renewal Processing Time

How long to renew green card 2022? After you submit your application, here’s what you should expect:

Receive notification of acceptance

Upon accepting your renewal application, USCIS will send you a letter with a 13-character “receipt number,” which consists of three letters and ten numbers, which can then be used to check the status of your application (see below).

USCIS will also post a notification on your USCIS online account. If you do not already have an online account, USCIS will create one for you and include instructions in the letter you received by mail on how to access it.

Receive a “biometrics” notification

You should receive a biometric appointment notification within 1 to 2 weeks after USCIS receives your application (as discussed above, an appointment to take your fingerprints, photo, and signature). As part of your green card renewal process, you may also be asked for additional documents or information. If this happens, be sure to respond by the deadline provided in the notice.

Why Is a Green Card Renewal Important?

The Form I-90, or Application to Replace a Permanent Resident Card, is important for several reasons, including:

  • Proving eligibility of employment
    When a green card holder applies for a job, he or she must fill out an I-9. This form verifies identity and legality to work in the United States via a passport, driver’s license, or green card. Each of these documents satisfies the “List A” document requirements. An expired green card will not be accepted. Permanent citizens also need valid green cards to apply for licenses in careers such as nursing, real estate, and insurance.
  • Traveling freely both internationally and domestically
    Most airlines won’t allow the holder of an expired green card to board a flight. If they do, many require a Form I-797. This form shows that a person has applied for a green card renewal with the Form I-90. When re-entering the country from abroad, Customs and Border Protection require proof of permanent residency via a green card. Without it, they might deny entry to the country. If an expired cardholder does gain entry, he or she might be subject to a re-entry fee of $585.
  • Renewing a Driver’s License
    Most states need proof of residency and legal status to issue a new driver’s license. If a green card expires, this could affect driving privileges until a new green card arrives. An I-551 temporary stamp might work. However, green card holders should check with their state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
  • Buying a Home
    Permanent residents can get a mortgage just like U.S. citizens can. This includes FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac home loans. Lenders need a photocopy of a green card and a Social Security number during the application process.

Expired green cards make it difficult for aliens or permanent residents to gain these perks. If the green card does expire, however, you don’t lose your permanent resident status.

All green cards fall under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Section 264 reads that every U. citizen shall receive a green card under the law. This also requires immigrants to carry their green card at all times if over age 18. Failure to carry a green card can result in a misdemeanor. However, the U. government rarely enforces this.

If you need confirmation of your status while waiting for a new green card, schedule a meeting with the USCIS using Infopass. You will get an I-551 stamp on your passport until your new green card arrives. This allows you to get a job and travel internationally.

Is it better to renew my Green Card or to apply for US citizenship?

If you have to decide whether to apply and wait for Naturalization (becoming a US citizen) at once or renew your Green Card (instead of or before), ask yourself what you plan to do in the United States while potentially waiting for your US Citizenship to be approved.

Naturalization can take up to 20 months, and the fee is $725, while your Green Card renewal would add $540 or more to the bill. But the question is: Would you risk your Green Card to expire while waiting for US Citizenship just to save costs?

The reasons to go for a Green Card renewal before the Naturalization process can be:

  • Traveling: An expired Green Card will cause trouble when trying to re-enter the USA.
  • A home loan: Most mortgage lenders require a valid Green Card before they lend you money for a home.
  • Your driver’s license: The Department of Motor Vehicles requires a valid Green Card when you hold or want to obtain a US driver’s license.
  • Employment: Without a valid Green Card, it is difficult to prove your right to work.

Apart from that, there are many good reasons to immediately apply for US citizenship once you meet all the requirements:

  • Compared to the costs of repeated Green Card renewals, applying for US citizenship is a bargain.
  • USCIS fees are increasing on a regular basis.
  • As a US citizen, you have even more rights than a Green Card holder, e.g., the right to vote in the United States or the right to apply for federal employment.
  • Once you have citizenship, you won’t lose it.

And last but not least, after becoming a US citizen, you will never have to pay a USCIS fee again.

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Other Related Issues for a Green Card Renewal Denial

Financial issues are a concern for many applicants. While financial problems such as a bad credit score will typically not directly affect your renewal application, unpaid taxes could lead to fines or prosecution. A conviction for unpaid taxes could hinder your chances of getting your green card renewed.

Another issue that can affect your permanent residency status is extensive travel outside of the country. It is recommended that if you are living in the U. as a permanent resident, you should avoid any trips outside the country for a period of longer than six months. If you need to take an extended trip out of the country, inform the U. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

You will need to respond to any communication you receive from them in a timely manner. Failure to do so could result in USCIS believing that you have abandoned your permanent resident status. This could not only affect your ability to apply to renew your residency, but it could also mean the loss of your current status.

What is the Processing Time?

Once the USCIS receives your petition, you should receive a notice of receipt in the mail about 2 or 3 weeks after you file. This receipt is not approval and it does not renew your green card.

A few weeks later, you should be given a notice that includes your biometric service appointment date. When you go to this appointment, your fingerprints will be recorded and your background will be checked. Be sure to bring a form of photo identification such as a passport or driver’s license to your appointment.

Up to four months after your biometrics appointment, you may be asked to go in for an interview with an immigration officer to determine if your marriage or business is bona fide. This requirement is sometimes waived if your petition makes it apparent that your intentions are legitimate.

If your petition using either one of these channels is successful then the conditional status of your green card will be removed and USCIS will issue you a 10-year green card. If your petition is denied, then the USCIS should send you the reasons for the denial by mail.

Reasons for a Green Card Renewal to Be Denied

There are a variety of reasons why your green card renewal might get denied. The best way to avoid problems is to be aware of them before they occur. Some of the most common reasons that a green card renewal application is rejected include:

  • You were ordered removed
  • You were convicted of a crime
  • You filed the wrong renewal form
  • Your application was incomplete or inaccurate

You Were Ordered Removed

Being ordered removed from the United States will almost certainly result in any renewal application you submit being rejected. As the name suggests, a removal order will result in your removal from the United States or denial of your reentry. You are officially ordered removed when:

  • A judge orders you to be deported or removed
  • You sign a stipulated removal order

You Were Convicted of a Crime

Conviction of certain crimes can affect your ability to get your green card renewed. If you have been convicted of a crime, it is essential that you speak with an immigration lawyer before applying for a renewal of your green card. They can advise you if there are any issues that could affect your renewal process, along with steps you can take to remedy the situation.

You Filed the Wrong Renewal Form

Filing the wrong form if you have a conditional green card can be an easy mistake to make. Conditional green cards are different from regular green cards in that they are only valid for a two-year period rather than 10 years. If you continue to meet the conditions of your green card, you can apply to have the conditions removed and enjoy unconditional permanent residency.

Unlike the situation with a regular green card renewal, you will not submit Form I-90 when renewing a conditional green card. The only time a conditional green card holder should submit Form I-90 is if their card is lost, stolen, or damaged.

Instead, those with a conditional green card will need to file either Form I-751 or Form I-829 to remove the conditions from the green card and receive a new permanent resident card good for 10 years. Which of these two forms you need to file will depend on the specifics of your situation.

Your Application Was Incomplete or Inaccurate

Your green card renewal application must be filled out completely and accurately. Leaving any part of Form I-90 blank or providing false information can result in a denial of your renewal application.

As long as you read all of the instructions for correctly filling out your green card application, you shouldn’t have any problems. The most common mistakes made when filing a renewal application include:

  • Missing a required signature
  • Forgetting to attach a required document
  • Failing to attend a scheduled biometrics appointment
  • Failure to pay the filing fee or biometrics fee

Including inaccurate information on your application does not have to be intentional to result in a Form I-90 denial. Inaccurate information on a renewal application is most often the result of a simple mistake. After you complete your application, reread each section to make sure that the form is filled out correctly.

Note: In fiscal year 2020, our lockbox facilities processed more than 9. 5 million applications and rejected 11% of them. The most common rejection reason is that applicants and petitioners did not submit the correct fees. (USCIS report)

Everything You Need to Know About the Green Card Renewal Process in 2021

ImmigrationHelp. org is a nonprofit that helps you prepare your immigration forms for free. Think TurboTax for Immigration. Get free immigration guides, news, and expert support without the high cost of an immigration lawyer. Featured in the Boston Globe, Forbes, and Telemundo, and funded by organizations like Harvard University. Check out our free tool.

Key Takeaways

It is crucial that you maintain a valid, unexpired green card. A valid green card proves that you are legally allowed to live and work in the United States. It also allows you to re-enter the United States after you have traveled abroad. If you have an expired green card or if it will expire within the next six months, it’s time to renew it. The processing time for green card renewal is, on average, 1. 5 to 12 months. There is a non-refundable fee of $455 to pay, as well as an $85 biometrics fee in most cases. This guide will teach you what you need to know to renew your green card.

How Do I File for a Green Card Renewal?

To receive a new green card, applicants must fill out the Form I-90 and submit it via mail or online. If completing online, you can pay the application fee of $540 at the same time using an American Express, Mastercard, Visa, or Discover card.

If filing by mail, you can send the necessary forms via U. Postal Service by contacting 1-800-870-3676. After completing the form, mail it to:

Attention: I-90
PO Box 21262
Phoenix, AZ 85036

For express mail and courier services, the address is:

Attention: I-90
1820 E. Skyharbor Circle S Floor 1
Phoenix, AZ 85034

Send the Form I-90 in with a cashier’s check or money order made out to the U. Department of Homeland Security. If you abbreviate this name, it will void the check.

How long does it take to get a Marriage Green Card?

How long the process takes depends on whether you’re already living in the United States and whether you’re married to a U. citizen or a Green Cardholder. It can take a while, so many people start preparing their forms with their fiance up to 90 days before they get married.

Living in the United States with a U. Citizen Spouse

The total processing time for your applications should be 10-13 months if you are Married to a U. citizen and living in the U.

  • Proving that your marriage is real with Form I-130 and applying for a Green Card at the same time (concurrently) with Form I-485): 9–11 months
  • Attending your Green Card Interview and waiting for your Green Card: 1–2 months

Living in the United States with a Permanent Resident Spouse

If you’re living in the U. and your spouse is a Green Cardholder, it will take 1-15 months for USCIS to approve your Form I-130. Then, you must wait until a Green Card becomes available for you in the visa bulletin, which takes another 8-10 months. Then, you must submit your Form I-485, which takes USCIS 9-11 months to process. Finally, there is the interview and approval of your application, which takes another 1-2 months. In total, the total processing time will be 29-38 months from the date you file for Form I-130.

Living Abroad with a U. Citizen Spouse

If you’re living abroad while married to a U. Citizen, it should take 7-10 months for USCIS to approve your I-130. After that, you will need to wait an additional 4-6 months for the National Visa Center to approve your DS-260. In total, it will take about 11-17 months after you file for you to receive your Green Card.

Living Abroad with a Permanent Resident Spouse

If you are living abroad while married to a Green Card holder, it will take 11-15 months for your Form I-130 to be approved. Then you will need to wait for a Green Card to become available in the visa bulletin, which takes roughly 8-10 months. Then, you will submit your DS-260 and wait for approval, usually another 4-7 months. In total, you should expect a wait time of 23–32 months until you get your green card.

How ImmigrationDirect Can Help if Your Green Card Renewal Was Denied

The green card renewal denial rate has risen sharply in recent years. It is essential to ensure that you file your renewal application correctly to avoid any problems. Whether you are applying for a renewal of your green card, applying to remove conditions, or applying for a green card for the first time, ImmigrationDirect can help.

We can help ensure that all green card forms you may be required to complete, including Forms I-90, I-130, I-485, I-751, I-824, and I-829, are completed and filed correctly. Don’t let a little mistake affect your permanent residency status in the United States.

Replacing a Green Card

If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having lost your physical green card, the replacement process is similar, but not quite the same as the renewal process. You will still have to complete Form I-90 and pay the filing fee (by mail or through your USCIS online account), but you will also be required to attend and pay for biometric screening, too.

Replacements by mail can be paid for with a money order while online replacements can be paid for with a credit or debit card.

For an in-depth breakdown of the green card replacement process, check out our guide to replacing a lost green card.

Reasons You Don’t Need to Renew a Green Card

Conditional permanent residents receive a different type of card. This card is only valid for two years. In this case, Form I-90 doesn’t apply. These types of residents must file one of two petitions. Each of these forms removes conditions from their green card.

  • Form I-751: This form applies to a conditional status based on marriage. It’s also known as the Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. The stamp is only valid for one year. This is a temporary fix, as it’s time-consuming and the USCIS will still require stamp holders to file for green card renewal.
  • Form I-829: This petition is for investors. It’s also called the Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status.

After filing either of these forms, applicants will receive a new green card. This card is then valid for 10 years. Once this card is received, the Form I-90 applies for renewal purposes.

In some instances, conditional permanent residents can use a Form I-90. This includes reasons such as:

  • A mistake on the card
  • The card was mutilated or destroyed
  • The card was lost, stolen, or never received
  • The name on the card has changed legally

How do I Know I Have Overstayed my U. Visa?

You have overstayed your visa if you have remained in the United States past your approved duration of stay. Your I-94 travel record has your approved duration of stay. Every foreign national who visits the United States has a Form I-94 to their name, that details their arrival date and the date by when they’re expected to leave. This date is often different from the visa expiry date on the visa stamp you received in your passport.

The expiration date on your visa stamp indicates how long you can use that visa to enter the U. By contrast, the authorized stay date on your I-94 record specifies how long you can stay in the United States after you’ve entered. So your visa could be valid for many years,  but your authorized stay for any trip could be for only a couple of weeks or months.

You can access your I-94 record on the U. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) website if you don’t have a paper copy of it. You will be able to see your authorized stay information on the CBP website when you enter your passport number and other personal information.

What is unlawful presence?

If you realize after looking up your I-94 arrival and departure record that you have been in the United States past your authorized stay date, you have begun to accrue unlawful presence. Unlawful presence refers to the amount of time you spend in the United States without lawful immigration status. Unlawful presence begins the day after your authorized period of stay expires.

If you came into the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), unlawful presence starts 90 days after your first day in the country. If you came into the United States on a nonimmigrant visa, unlawful presence begins 180 days after the date on your I-94 record.

There are consequences for accruing unlawful presence based on the length of your unlawful presence, including a 3-year bar or a 10-year bar from re-entering the United States after you leave. You also risk deportation when you are without lawful immigration status in the United States for any extended period.

What is illegal entry?

You can also be unlawfully present in the United States if you entered illegally. Illegal entry means that you came into the United States without official authorization from the U. government, in the form of a valid visa or visa waiver, or that you were not inspected by border patrol officials when you entered.

Green Card Denied

If your green card renewal application gets denied, you can not appeal the decision. Instead, you have the option to file a motion for USCIS to either reopen or reconsider your case.

Filing a motion to reopen your case will require that you provide new information to be included as evidence in support of your permanent residency renewal.

On the other hand, filing a motion to reconsider means that you feel the decision by USCIS was incorrect. You must provide evidence that there was an incorrect application of the law or policy, which led to the denial of your green card renewal application.

What should you do if USCIS denies your green card renewal application?

We can help you avoid denial by making sure that you get your application right the first time with our free online tool.

Submitting Form I-90

After your eligibility has been confirmed, the online software will lead you through completing your paperwork by asking a series of straightforward questions. The program checks your answers, so you won’t forget anything or submit incorrect information.

When you have completed the form I-90, these next steps will help you organize your packet:

  • Sign the form at part five
  • Include supporting documents, including a photocopy of your green card, or a photocopy of a government-issued ID if your green card was lost or stolen
  • Pay all applicable fees by check or money order to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

The wait times for a response from USCIS vary depending on the number of applications being submitted. If at any point, you would like to know the status of your application, you can check it directly on the USCIS website.

How much does it cost to get a Marriage Green Card?

In 2020, the total cost for a Marriage Green Card is $1,760 if you are applying while living in the United States, and or $1,200 if you are applying from abroad. These totals include the required U. government filing and biometrics fees, which are nonrefundable. They also include the average cost of the required medical examination. The filing fees are expected to rise significantly in 2020 to meet USCIS’s funding shortfall, so it is a good idea to apply soon if you have been waiting.

In addition to the government fees, hiring a lawyer for your Marriage Green Card may cost an additional $2,000-$6,000 depending on the complexity of your case. These costs can be intimidating, but there’s hope! You can avoid expensive attorney fees by using a legal aid nonprofit. ImmigrationHelp. org, for example, can help prepare your marriage Green Card application for free.

Permanent Green Card (Permanent Resident Card)

Almost every process that provides a Green Card will most likely be a Permanent Green Card. Holders of this Green Card are called lawful permanent residents.

A Permanent Green Card is valid for 10 years and this Green Card also allows people to become U. citizens if they meet certain eligibility criteria.

To know more about the different ways to get a Permanent Green Card you can check this article “How to Get a Green Card?”.

Since a permanent Green Card is valid only for 10 years and so it requires renewal. If your Green Card expires you don’t lose your permanent resident status.

Even though the immigration status doesn’t change the holder is required by law to carry the Green Card at all times. If you are a Permanent Green Card holder and your card is about to expire or already expired then you should learn how to renew your Green Card.

How to Renew the Green Card?

There are four main steps in the USCIS green card renewal process. You must first complete Form I-90, then gather your supporting documents before you pay your green card renewal fee, and finally, file your green card renewal application.

Prepare Form I-90

The first action you must take when renewing your permanent resident card is to complete Form I-90: Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card. This form can either be completed online by creating a USCIS online account or on paper and mailed to USCIS.

Gather Supporting Documents

After completing your green card renewal form, you must gather all the required supporting documents. When renewing an expired or expiring green card, the only required documentation needed, along with your application, is a copy of your most recent green card.

For other types of green card replacements, USCIS may require additional documents.

Pay the Green Card Renewal Fee

The next step to renewing your green card is to pay the renewal fee. The current cost to renew a green card is $455. Sometimes, this will be accompanied by an $85 biometrics fee. If you choose to renew your green card online, you will make your payment online, as well with a credit or debit card.

If you are filing your green card renewal application through the mail, you can pay by money order, personal check, cashier’s check, or with a credit card by filing Form G-1450: Authorization for Credit Card Transactions. Payment must be made payable to the United States Department of Homeland Security.

If you are facing significant financial hardship, you might be eligible to get the fee waived when renewing your green card. However, this can only be done when filing to renew your permanent resident card through the mail.

Once you have completed all the steps above, it is time to submit your application for green card renewal to USCIS. You should create a cover letter explaining why you are submitting your application to renew your resident card and gather it along with your application, supporting documents, and fees into a single packet.

When submitting your application by mail, you will need to send your packet to the appropriate USCIS address. If filing online, you may be able to upload your supporting documents along with your application. However, USCIS may require you to send these documents separately through the mail.

How Is This Different From Renewing?

When you renew a 10-year unconditional green card, you will file the I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card. Note that the operative word is “replace”. This form is used primarily when a green card is expiring. However, conditional residents and unconditional residents alike often use the I-90 to replace any green card if it is stolen, lost, or damaged, if it has incorrect information on it, if the USCIS issued you a green card but you never received it, or if your personal information has changed.

So, ultimately, you cannot technically “renew” a conditional temporary green card. It requires a different set of forms, different fees, and different supporting evidence. Instead, you are removing the conditions on your green card.

How to Check the Status of Your Renewal

  • Visit the USCIS case status page
  • Enter your receipt number

Once you’ve submitted your receipt number, you will be able to see your entire application history. Unfortunately, the status of your application will not tell you how long you will wait to receive your new green card, but it will show you where in the process your application is.

You can also opt-in to receive text message updates or e-mail notifications when you submit your form so you don’t have to keep checking your case status.

How to Renew Your Expired Green Card When You’re Physically Present in the United States

When you’re physically present in the United States and your green card expires, you may wish to work with an attorney for the renewal process. Like the original process – the one in which you initially applied for and received your lawful permanent resident status – the green card renewal process requires you to file specific paperwork. However, this time you need a Form I-90. You may also need additional evidence, such as a copy of your expired green card (or soon-to-be expired green card, depending on when you renew). You’ll have to sign your application and pay the appropriate fees (if required; some people qualify for a fee waiver).

How to Renew Your Expired Green Card From Outside the U.

If you’re outside the United States when your green card expires, you or your attorney will need to get in touch with the nearest U. consulate or go to the nearest U. port of entry. You must let them know that your green card is expired but you wish to return to the United States.

Pro Tip: If you’re leaving the U. when you know your green card is about to expire, you should renew it before you go. Doing so – or at least starting the process by filing the application – can save you a lot of time and trouble when you wish to return to the United States.

Why do I need to renew my Green Card?

Your Green Card is proof that you have permission to live and work in the USA permanently. Also, when you are traveling abroad, the Green Card will be the document that gets you back into the country. Therefore, you have to carry a valid Green Card with you everywhere you go. US laws state that you must be able to show your valid Permanent Resident Card at all times.

When can Permanent Residents use Form I-90?

  • Your green card was stolen, destroyed, mutilated, or partly destroyed.
  • The USCIS sent the green card but you have not received it.

You can use Form I-90 if your green card has a mistake or if the personal data of the cardholder has changed. If the green card has expired already or will expire within six months, you can use Form I-90.

When Should You Renew Your Green Card?

It is essential to renew at the right time. Attempting to renew too early could mean an automatic denial of your application with USCIS keeping your renewal fee. Meanwhile, applying too late could leave you with a gap where you don’t have a green card and are subject to difficulties, including a possible misdemeanor conviction.

Inside the U.

Once you get to six months until your card expires, it is time to renew. The closer to the six-month mark, the better, as it can take several months to receive your new green card.

Outside the U.

If you are outside of the United States when you reach the six-month mark until your green card expires, you should file for renewal as soon as you return to the United States.

However, if you will still be out of the country when your current green card expires, you need to contact your nearest consulate or embassy to inform them of your situation before returning to the U. and filing for renewal. If possible, avoid traveling abroad that will conflict with your applying for a new green card on time.

See Also: How to Apply Green Card From Outside the United States.

When Should I Renew or Replace My Green Card?

If your Green Card is valid and in your possession, then there’s no reason to renew it. However, you will want to begin the Green Card renewal process within six months of its expiry date.

You must apply for Green Card renewal if:

  • You have a valid Green Card that will expire in 6 months or has already expired
  • You have a Permanent Resident card with no expiration date written on it
  • Your Green Card was stolen, damaged, or went missing
  • You received a Green Card when you were under 14 years of age, but the card will not expire before you turn 16 years of age
  • You noticed a mistake on your Green Card, including mistakes regarding your name, date of birth, or other information
  • You have commuter status in the United States, which means you live in Canada or Mexico but work in the United States

What Happens If I’m Outside the United States?

If you have a Green Card that is about to expire and you are outside the United States, then there are two ways to move forward:

If you are outside the United States and your Green Card will expire within 6 months but you plan to return to the United States before your Green Card expires, then you can renew your Green Card when you return to the United States

If you are outside the United States and your card will expire before you return, then you can either apply to renew it before you leave the United States or, if you are already in a foreign country, then you can contact a U. embassy or consulate, USCIS, or a U. port of entry; you are not permitted to enter the United States with an expired Green Card if you cannot provide proof that you attempted to renew it

Conditional Permanent Residence and Conditional Green Card Renewal

Green Card 101 (Updated-2020)

The rules listed above do not apply to those who have Conditional Permanent Residence (CPR) status or Conditional Green Card Status.

CPR status is valid for 2 years. Within 90 days of the expiry date of your Conditional Permanent Residence status, you must file for Permanent Residence or a Green Card.

You cannot replace or renew your Conditional Green Card if it has already expired, nor can you renew it if it will expire in 90 days. You must file for Permanent Residence status.

How to Renew a Green Card

Every year, thousands of American residents go through the process of renewing their Green Cards. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about the Green Card renewal process.

Step 1) Complete Form I-90

Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, is the first document you need to complete when renewing your Green Card. Form I-90 comes with detailed instructions and requirements. You will need to choose one of 17 reasons why you are renewing your Green Card. Once you have picked your reason, you will need to pay the renewal fees and submit any corresponding documents.

Step 2) Pay Applicable Fees

There are two main fees you will need to pay when renewing your Green Card, including:

Form I-90 Fee: $455

In total, it will cost you around $540 to renew your Green Card. You can pay online using any major form of payment. Or, you can mail a check to USCIS. Once you have paid your Green Card renewal fee, you will receive a receipt, at which point you can move onto the next step.

Step 3) Submit Supporting Documents

Depending on the reason for renewal you chose in Step 1, you will need to submit different supporting documents. All Green Card renewal applications require you to submit your current Green Card unless your Green Card has been lost or stolen.

Documents Required When Renewing a Green Card

If you are renewing a Green Card, then the only document you may be required to submit is your current Green Card. If you can provide a copy of your current Green Card, then that’s all you need to renew your Green Card.

Documents Required When Replacing a Green Card

If you are replacing a Green Card that has been lost, stolen, or damaged, then you must submit:

  • A copy of the stolen or damaged Green Card
  • A copy of valid government-issued photo ID, including a passport, a driver’s license, or another form of ID
If There’s a Mistake on Your Green Card
  • The original Green Card
  • A copy of your birth certificate, marriage certificate, or other documents with the correct information
If Renewing for Other Reasons

The final step to renewing your Green Card is to sign Form I-90 and submit it to USCIS. If you fail to sign your Form I-90, then it will be declared invalid and rejected. Many Green Card renewal applicants have made this mistake.

Form I-90 can be filed entirely online. Or, you can mail it to USCIS directly. Since 2015, however, the vast majority of Green Card applications and renewals are completed online. Even if you apply by mail, USCIS will create an online account for you for future correspondence.

What Happens After Filing My Green Card Renewal?

After you have filed a renewal request for your Green Card, you will need to wait to receive an update via online mail or mail. Here’s what happens next:

USCIS will send you a receipt confirming that they have accepted your application; this receipt will be mailed to your address and sent to your online account

USCIS will send a notification if you need to provide biometrics information; this notification should arrive within 1-2 weeks of USCIS receiving your application; if you need to provide biometrics information, then you may need to submit fingerprints, photographs, and a signature to USCIS

USCIS may require extra documents beyond what you provided; in this case, USCIS will send you a Request for Evidence by mail and then post it on your account

How Long Does It Take to Renew My Green Card?

Typically, a Green Card renewal takes 2 to 3 months from beginning to end. USCIS processes thousands of Green Card renewal applications every month.

This is why it’s recommended that you apply for Green Card renewal within 6 months of your expiry date.

What if USCIS Denies your Green Card Renewal Application?

In certain situations, USCIS may deny your application to renew your Green Card. Some of the most common reasons to deny a Green Card renewal include:

  • You committed a crime that led to your deportation from the United States
  • You lied on your application
  • The United States government has ordered you to leave the country before your Green Card expired
  • You filed incorrect forms or provided wrong supporting documents

For all of these reasons, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services may deny your Green Card renewal request.

If USCIS denies your Green Card application renewal, then you cannot appeal the ruling. However, you can submit a motion for USCIS to reopen or reconsider the application. In order for this motion to go through, you must have proof that the decision was made because of a mistake in the application of immigration policy or law.

What Happens If I Fail to Renew My Green Card?

If you fail to renew your Green Card, then you will not face any penalties from USCIS.

In fact, you can wait until your Green Card expires or until after it expires before you begin the renewal process. You will not face further penalties from USCIS for waiting until the last minute to renew your Green Card – although you may have trouble leaving the country and returning.

If you fail to renew your Green Card before it expires, then there are other consequences as well. immigrants with an expired Green Card cannot:

Get a new job (all employers will ask for proof of employment authorization, and an expired Green Card does not authorize you to work)

  • Get or keep a professional license
  • Renew a driver’s license
  • Travel outside of the United States and re-enter the country

Because of all of these restrictions, it’s generally a good idea to apply for a Green Card renewal within six months of the expiry date on your Green Card. The sooner you receive your new Green Card, the less chance you have for any complications along the way.

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